A selection of un-numbered PPP shapes
(Not jugs. To avoid having this page too large, jug shapes are shown on a separate page - click here)

The PPP mark was used by Premier Pottery Preston from 1930 to 1934. For an account of PPP styles and history click here. Most PPP pieces were made before the introduction of shape numbering in 1934, and then the PPP name was dropped shortly after numbering began. Consequently, numbered PPP pieces are rare.

This page shows just a selection of un-numbered pieces. Un-numbered examples of shapes that did acquire a number are mostly catalogued with their numbered counterparts in the Early Series. Many pictures here, therefore, show shapes that were never assigned a number or for which a numbered example still awaits discovery.

Height;  5 cm    "Have some sugar"
Nicholnack art in pottery
Diam. 12 cm
"Faint heart never won fair lady"
Height;  12 cm
Nicholnack art in pottery
   Height;  21 cm
Height;  11 cm
Collection;  Shepparton Art Gallery
Gift of Maurice Stebbings   1986.17a-b
    Like Early Series 72.  Height;  7.2 cm. 
Collection;  Brendan Pitcher
Height;  20 cm. Base unmarked.
Height;  6.5 cm
Malvern Antique Market,
Armadale, Vic.
   Height;  22 cm
Nicholnack art in pottery
   Height; 7.5 cm
Long Gone Antiques & Collectables, Warrnambool Vic.
Height 13 cm.
No base stamp.
  Height; 13 cm.
Gumleaf and vertical striations like very early Remued. These are the only recorded PPP-stamped pieces with gumleaf decoration.

Collection; Jeremy Zarifopoulos
Height; 8 cm
Height; 7.5 cm
This serrated style of circumference is also seen in a numbered shape;
Early Series 127 and Early Series 153
Height; 7.5 cm.
Base unmarked.

Spiral handles
This form of decoration is found on some PPP pieces but almost never on Remued.
For more spiral-handle examples (including numbered shapes) click here.

Round perforations
This form of decoration is found on PPP pieces but absent from Remued Early Series pieces.
A similar feature did re-appear, however, in the 1950s 'gladioli vases' of the Later Series and 'A' Series / Kerryl.
   Collection; John Stephens
Height; 20.2 & 18.9 cm. Stamped PPP
Collection; John Stephens
Diameter; 11.5 cm.

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John Stephens
Height; 23 cm.
Collection; John Stephens
Heights (L-R);  6.4 cm,  7.8 cm,  7.5 cm.
To avoid having this page too large, jug shapes are shown on a separate page - click here

Collection; Stuart Lawson
Height; 7 cm. Two 'ears'.
Collection; Maxine Hawker
Height; 27 cm.
Rare Australian-style house with verandahs
Height; 9.2 cm
Height; 9.3 cm
Camberwell Antique Centre,
Camberwell  Vic.
Height; 22 cm.
Base unmarked
Camberwell Antique Centre,
Camberwell  Vic.
Height; 10 cm.

  Youngs Auctions;
  The Berry Collection
     Height; 40cm

Height;  10 cm
Hurnall's Antiques &
Decorative Arts
Height; 23 cm.
All signed R.Hawkins

Collection; Christine Alexander
Height; 10 cm.
       G&H collection
     Height;  13 cm.
These bottle-shaped vases are found both with and without 'ears'.
G&H Collection
Height; 10cm.
Height; 7.5 cm. Three 'ears'.
'W' Collection