314 (Early Series) Ribbed bulb base, throat widening upwards.
Four size variants are recorded; the smallest suffixed s or with no suffix, the others with inch suffixes 5, 7 and 9.
314 & 314 s
Height; 9.5 - 10 cm.
Height; 12 - 13 cm. Un-numbered examples are also recorded.
Warwick Oakman Antiques, Battery Point, Tas.
Twig handle
Bases incised Remued 314 (no 's').
Perhaps the first version, before other sizes were introduced with size suffixes.
Unusual decoration; looped strap-handle, & branch.
Applied koala decoration. Koala attributed to John Castle-Harris.
Bases incised Remued 314 s
Un-numbered , incised Remued
314/5M (?)
No numbered example with gumleaf decoration is recorded.
Another gumleaf-decorated example is pictured in Carter's Guide 1986. Not known if numbered.