References and Links
'Gumnuts and Glazes; the story of Premier Pottery, Preston'.
Exhibition catalogue published by Bundoora Homestead Art Centre, 2005. With essays by Catherine Webb, Gregory Hill and Noris Ioannou, preface by Jacqueline Healy. 40 pages.
Thoroughly illustrated, authoritative and absorbing, this book is essential reading for anyone interested in the story of Remued pottery. The exhibition ran for a year at Bundoora Homestead and major regional galleries in Victoria, attracting widespread interest and high attendances.
'Gumnuts and Glazes' is available, price $15 including postage, from
Bundoora Homestead Art Centre
7-27 Snake Gully Drive
Vic 3083, Australia
'The Premier Pottery, Preston. 1929 - 1955'
Unpublished thesis by Catherine Webb. Together with the 'Gumnuts and Glazes' catalogue this has been a major source for historical material on this website.
An excellent website created by collector Michael West, covering Australian potteries of the 1930s including Premier. Histories of the various firms are included along with a useful bibliography. The site is no longer active but an archived copy is available
'Australian Ceramics'
Published by Shepparton Art Gallery, 1987. Chapter titled 'Premier Pottery Preston' by Catherine Webb, pages 42-49.
'The Marvin Hurnall Australiana Collection'
Auction catalogue by Leonard Joel, October 2007. Includes many pieces from Premier. Fully illustrated, with excellent descriptions including base inscription details. 124 pages.