50  (Early Series)    Large plump pot, small flared lip.

Does this shape appear in other series?  No - (none recorded in image database)

Three sizes are recorded. The shape book shows them suffixed s, Med and L; with Med and L subsequently changing to inch suffixes 8 and 10. What is actually found on the pots seems even more of a mixture.
No example is yet recorded with applied gumleaf decoration but koala-decorated pieces are recorded.

Collection; Shepparton Art Gallery  1988.465

Collection; Erny Schmidt

This piece appears to have first been incised 50 s by mistake,
and the 's' was then overwritten by Med.   Height 16.5 cm
Hunters & Collectors Antiques,
Mosman NSW        

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Collection; Cath Knight

The shape book shows the smallest size as 50s, but no example is yet recorded numbered 50s. The few recorded examples in this small size are numbered just 50, suggesting that it may have been the original size before other size variants were introduced.
50 Med
The Med suffix replaced 'M', presumably because Remued generally used M to denote gumleaf decoration.
The inch suffix 8 superseded the previous size suffix Med
Height; 18 - 21.5 cm
50 L    

Shape book 'E'
Youngs Auctions

Height; 16 - 17 cm

50 M
M here denotes Medium size, not its usual meaning of applied decoration.
Shapiro Auctioneers, Sydney
Image;  www.antiquesreporter.com.au
Height; 13 - 13.5 cm

Collection; Johnnie Ouslinis
Example with two low-relief koalas.
Height 18 cm.
No incised number but would be 50LB ('B' denoting koala decoration).
However 50B has been added in pencil, probably at the pottery.

For another example, un-numbered and with different koalas, see here.

Emily Corbett
50 MB
M for Medium size, B denoting koala decoration.

Incised Remued Handmade 50MB
Two 3-dimensional koalas. A rare piece.