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Round ashtray, with flaring foot and applied koala

* Early Series 4B

This shape is contemporary with the Early Series but may belong to a separate small 'Animal' series.

Round ashtrays, & cigarette holders

Early Series 219
Later Series 55
'A' Series/Kerryl A7  

Round ashtray

Later Series 197
One of the very last shapes in the Later Series.

Collection; Stuart Lawson

Commemorative ashtrays

Un-numbered. Recorded examples depict Cook, Batman, and Fawkner. Produced for Victoria's centenary in 1934 along with a variety of other commemorative items.

Diameter;  9 cm.  Base incised  Remued.

Square ashtrays

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Combined ashtray and candlestick

Ashtray and cigarette holder

Cigarette holder

Collection;  Stuart Lawson

Ashtray, leaf pattern

Long Gone Antiques & Collectables, Warrnambool Vic.

Bowl ashtray with notched lip

Un-numbered. The style and glazes place these in the 1950s, contemporary with the Later Series but they do not appear in the shape books.
Height; 5 cm

Collection; Stuart Lawson

Un-numbered round ashtrays

Catherine Webb
research collection
Un-numbered cigarette holders
Steve Lawrence
Height;  5 - 5.7 cm. Bases incised  Remued
Un-numbered but thought to be Early Series 187
Height; about 5 cm.
Un-numbered, unsigned.
Thought to be Later Series 55

Isabella House, NW Vic.

Collection; Daniel Duda
Diameters 8 - 8.5 cm. Bases incised Remued.

   Allan & Myrtle James Collection
Diameters; 10 & 9 cm. Bases incised Remued
John Fortuna

Small dish, or Ashtray

Collection; Terry Cheetham

Plain PPP ashtray. Diameter; 9 cm.
These ashtrays are unusual in that the PPP monogram is not stamped but impressed.
(For an impressed Pamela mark see Pamela Series 25)

G&H Collection
Collection; 'W'
[Click image for enlargement]
Kerryl ashtrays
In the 1950s Kerryl produced the A7 ashtray which was identical to Remued Later Series 55 listed above. 

Later years saw many more ashtrays from Kerryl. Some were un-numbered, but others were in a little numbering series of their own, the A/T Series. Only a few A/T Series examples are recorded - if you have one we'd love to hear from you; contact us.
Height;  19 cm.
Incised Kerryl A/T-6
Balmain Collection
Height;  10.7 cm
Incised Kerryl  A/T8
Dimensions not recorded.
Incised Kerryl A/T-12
Diameter;  20 cm.
Incised Kerryl A/T-13
Michel Collet
Diameter; 15.5 cm.
Un-numbered, incised Kerryl
Length 15.5 cm. Slip-cast.
Base unmarked, Kerryl sticker.
Low-relief kangaroo decoration, moulded and crudely painted.
Also recorded with similar koala decoration.

Diameter 16.5 cm.
Incised Kerryl  AT/1
Dimensions not recorded. Incised Kerryl A/T4
Discovered, surprisingly, in Texas USA.
Sharon Micenko
15 cm across. Un-numbered.
Base embossed
      Kerryl Melbourne.
Un-numbered examples

A/T Series